By the example of the poore Macedonians he exhorteth them to conribute largely vnto the Church
of Hierusalem, 7. & by praising of them, 9. and by the example of Christ, 14. and by their owne
spiritual profit in being partakers of that Churches merits, 16. and by commending the Collectours
that he sendeth.
1. AND we doe you to vnderstand, Brethren, the grace of God, that is giuen in the Churches
of Macedonia,
2. that in much experience of tribulation they had aboundance of ioy, & their very
deep pouertie abounded vnto the riches of their simplicitie,
3. for according to their power (I giue them testimonie) and aboue their power
they were willing,
4. with much exhortation requesting vs the grace and communication of the ministerie
that is done toward the Saints.
5. And not as we hoped, but their owne selues they gaue, first to our Lord,
The principal respect next after God is to be had of our Maisters in religion, in
al temporal and spiritual dueties.
then to
vs by the wil of God:
6. in so much that we desired Titus, that as he began, so also he would perfit in you
this grace also.
7. But as in al things you abound in faith, and word, & knowledge, & al carefulnes,
moreouer also in your charitie towards vs, that in this grace also you may abound.
8. I speake not as commanding: but by the carefulnes of others, approuing also the
good disposition of your charitie.
The Epistle for S. Paulinus Iun. 22.
For you know the grace of our Lord Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ Christ, that for you he was made
poore, wheras he was rich; that by his pouertie you might be rich.
10. And in this point I giue counsel: for this is profitable for you, which haue
begun not only to doe, but also to be willing, from the yeare past:
11. But not performe ye it also in deed: that as your mind is prompt to be willing,
so it may be also to performe, of that which you haue.
12. For if the wil be prompt, it is accepted according to that which it hath, not
according to that which it hath not.
13. For not that other should haue ease, and you tribulation: but by an equalitie.
14. Let in this present time your aboundance supplie their want: that their
aboundance also may supplie your want, that there be an equalitie
15. as it is written:
Exo. 16,28.
He that had much abounded not: and he that had litle,
wanted not.
The Epistle vpon S. Lukes day, Octob. 18.
And thankes be to God, that hath giuen the self-same carefulnes for you in
the hart of Titus,
17. for that he admitted indeed exhortation: but being more careful, of his owne
wil he went vnto you.
18. We haue sent also with him the Brother, whose praise is in the Ghospel through
al Churches:
19. & not only that, but also he was ordeined of the churches fellow of our
peregrination, for this grace which is ministred of vs to the glorie of our Lord, and our
determined wil:
20. auoiding this, lest any man might reprehend vs in this fulnes that is ministred of
21. For we prouide good things
Rom. 12,27.
not only before God, but also before men.
22. And we haue sent with them our Brother also, whom we haue proued in many things
often to be careful: but now much more careful, for the great confidence in you,
23. either for Titus which is my fellow and Coadiutor toward you, or our Brethren
Apostles of the Churches, the glorie of Christ.
24. The declaration therfore which is of your charitie and our glorying for you,
declare ye toward them in the face of the churches.
Cʜᴀᴘ. VIII.
14. Aboundance supply.)
Temporal benefits vpon spiritual persons.
He meaneth that such as abound in worldly riches, should communicate for supply of
other their Brethrens necessitie, whatsoeuer they may: that on the other side they
whom they help in temporals, may impart to them againe some of their spiritual
riches, as praiers, and other holy workes and graces, which is a happie change and
entercourse for the welthy men, if they could see it.
One may satisfie and supererogate for another.
And this place proueth plainely that the fastings and satisfactorie deeds of one man,
be auailable to others, yea and that holy Saints or other vertuous persons may in
measure and proportion of other mens necessitie and deseruings, allot vnto them, as
wel the supererogation of their spiritual workes, as these that abound in worldly
goods, may giue almes of their superfluities, to them which are in necessitie. Which
interchange and proportion of things the Apostle doth euidently set downe.